Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Stages of Procrastination

Stage one: Good Intentions

I'll write a post next Thursday. Thursdays are awesome for post-writing.

Stage two: Putting Off

Oh, man! I planned to write today, but I forgot I actually have to live and stuff. Maybe I'll wait until a day when I don't have to... live.

Stage three: Epiphany

I have to live EVERYday, dangit! I have things to do, people to see, the furthest bounds of the internet to explore. My life is so hectic!

Stage four: Intense Melodrama

Why did I even start this train?! Why am I even calling it that?! What sort of crazy person am I?! I don't have time for this! I want it to be perfect! It'll never be perfect! Ihatetheinternetandmyfingersaretiredandmyeyeshurtandblogsarestupid!

Stage five: Denial

I don't have a blog.

Up next: A letter and some thoughts on it. But don't push me. :)